We declare and assert, as a resolution of the global meeting, that Master Asai Tetsuhiko is the Soshi of the International Japan martial arts Karatedokai (IJKA) as well as of Asai Karate, and that the Not-for-Profit Organization, the International Japan martial arts Karatedokai (IJKA) certified by the Japanese cabinet, is the Soke of Asai Karate.
Master Asai is the Kaiso of IJKA, as he founded the organization, and Master Asai is the Soshi of IJKA as he created new karate waza and kata.
From here on, in accordance with the Japanese traditional system, we define Master Asai as Kaiso and Soshi , IJKA as Soke (the original family), and other IJKA organizations as Bunke (the branch family).
In the case of an event, Soke will contact Bunke, and those who support will come together for the students of Master Asai to train alongside with each other. If requested, a Bunke certification will be issued.
For those who practice karate under the same name of IJKA and learned from the same Master Asai to develop a friendly relationship is to act in accordance with Master Asai’s belief that “those who are learners of Budo should work together and improve through inspiring each other.”
For that reason, our organization will be comprised of as follows:
Soke: IJKA | |
Kaiso (founder), the Soshi (original master), and the original Shuseki Shihan: | Tetsuhiko Asai |
Original President of IJKA: | Keiko Asai |
Nidaime (2nd generation) Shuseki Shihan: | Chen Hunt-sung |
Nidaime (2nd generation) Head of Technical Office: | Chen Hsin-koei |
Nidaime (2nd generation) Global instructor: | BRUNO KALLER |
Toshiyuki Kidokoro | |
Formenton Giuseppe | |
Wang Ju-yu | |
Chou, Chih-Wen | |
Riedinger Otto | |
Nidaime (2nd generation) Taiwan Honbu Dojo Global Section Chief: | Lin Mau-tsun |
President: Keiko Asai
- 關於空手道的本質
- 關於空手道的身體方面
- 創造出不傷身體的空手道練習法
- 融納呼吸法,讓肌肉鬆緩的練習法 作爲準備運動和整理運動,使熱愛空手道的人安全地練習,随年齡增長,可終身練習空手道。
- 關於空手的技術問題,他創始了
- 過去的空手道技術所沒有的技巧 比如,創造出轉身、增加操練方向、跳躍、鞭拳等各種技術。
- 融入所有的武術、格鬥技術,開發出新的空手道。
- 不拘流派,開創有廣度和深度的空手道。
- 創造各流派都適合的空手道的形,讓所有熱愛空手道的人共同學習、磨煉。
- 關於精神面
- 重視武術性
- 包含體育性
- 男女老幼都適合的終身空手道
- 把健康、福祉、納入視野的有深度和廣度的空手道
- 輪椅空手道
他對於時常要爭著“我在上頭,我最強”的人,留下了“大勇如懼”之言,想讓他們知道“弱者逞強,強者含而不露”的道理,他的心時常保持友愛、和平的精神。 淺井空手道注重温故知新,實踐精神磨練。
- I.J.K.A.設置事務侷和技術侷。
- 技術局由指導員會組成。
- 技術局負責有關空手道的技術事宜。
- 事務局負責有關收支,經營事宜。
- 事務局和技術侷負責傳承故淺井師範的空手道精神。
- IJKA不設置唯一団体為其国家之代表
- 希望加入IJKA的個人或団体、不必通過地區總部,可直接與日本總部聯絡。
- 不要把私人紛爭帶到會中來。
- 地區總部負責人是關照近鄰道場的有関空手道事誼,並不是權利的象徵。
- 地區總部負責人的任期為兩年。(但可続任)
- 関於年費、如過期6ヶ月未付之団体、便規為退会
- 会員在組織内、若有、不友善、犯規、傷害本会名誉、及違反本会目的之行為時、経過行政会議検討之後、可能除名
- 本内規経過理事長、主席師範、技術局長、及其他有関人員協議後、可修改。
- 技術局由指導員會構成。
- 指導員會的成員以取得四段位以上及指導員(教練)資格者組成。
- 本會取得三段位以上,並取得指導員(教練)資格者可成爲指導員會補成員。
- 關於挙行各種空手道大會,以技術局為主体,和事務局協商而徴詢各國會員的意向而決定。
- 技術講習會和段以及其他資格審査、以配合比賽大會舉行之日期及會場而進行。
- 各國、地域的團體會員和近鄰國的團體會員、可以聯合出費邀請本部派遣指導員到自国道場挙行技術講習會及段位審査會。其費用別行規定。
- 初段到三段的審査必須由兩名以上的指導員(教練)進行。
- 四段以上的審査必須由包括主席師範或技術局長在内三名以上的指導員(教練)進行
- 段位審査基準為:
- 以道場訓的教誨爲目標、而努力於人格向上的人
- 練習態度(包括練習出席日數等等)
- 空手道技術的水平
- 由主席師範或技術局長以持有其段位者之空手道之録影、映像而判断。
- 如有任何欠点時可接受主席師範或技術局長的指導、直到達成其段位水平為止
- 映像指導以三次為限、第二次以後需付3000円日幣
- 映像指導只為確認其段位水平而已、並非映像審査
Secretariat Policy
- Secretariat is to manage and look after the overall operation of IJKA.
Council(Established in order to deal with violations)
会長: | 浅井恵子 |
副会長: | 陳 宏宗 |
構成員: | 陳 興桂 |
城所 俊行 | |
Formenton Giuseppe | |
汪儒郁 | |
周智文 | |
Riedinger Otto | |
林茂椿 | |
紀邦彦 | |
林銓正 |
The difference between Karate and Bujutsu Karate
Recently, in the world of karate, it seems that the bigger the organization the more power it has, and therefore the more trustworthy. This leads to success as a business, and income becomes abundant. This then becomes the driving force for trying to gain more and more memberships.
In the world of bujutsu, what matters is the personhood. Especially in Japan, bujutsu has formed its shape based on the spirit of bushido.
For that reason, waza is not taught to an individual until his/her personhood has been assessed. This is not to be stingy. There is an old teaching in bujutsu circle that says:
“Do not teach bujyutu to those who harbor bad personhood for it is as to give a sword to a madman.”
This is why it is the norm to have only a few pupils.
We, IJKA, are a bujutsu karatedo-kai, and we too, put the most emphasis on the person’s character. We are vigilant in maintaining a place of karate training for those who love karate.