- Born on 1954
- Practises since 47 years with level“6Dan”
- Begins to practice JUDO when 6 years old
- 1964 begins to practice karate Shotokan’s style
- On 1971 follows his father Vittorio Formenton−ex−professional boxer−into the Practice of the boxe
- On 1971 joins the Venice’s dojo of M Bruno de Michelis and practice karate Shotokan’s style
- On 1971 practise with M Hiroshi Shirai and with the M Taiji Kase in Milan
- On 1973 is athlete of the Italian National Team of Karate kumite and kata
- On 1988 at the JKA World championships in Brisbane(Australia)meets M
- Tetsuhiko Asai(JKA) Takes part at one teaching with M T,.Asai and in this opportunity appreciates the huge technical value together with a big generosity of teaching’s transmission and Ability and realizes the profound potentiality of His style
- From 1990 to 1999 is still following the teaching of M T.Asai taking part at various
- Stages in France Swiss Russia and Japan
- From 2000 follows M T,.Asai in the JKS founded by itself
- On 2009 keep in touch with Mrs Keiko Asai to continue spreading the teachings of Mastar is projects
- Retired from the athletics activity when 36 year old. takes part at master's qualifications, karate's teaching and keeps itself in practise with absolute constancy and with the personal certainty that karate is practicable at every age as strict training of body and mind and reason of psychosocial research.
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